Feb 28, 2011

journal prompt # 9

hey everyone...hope u stay nice and warm today...come visit me at embellished there allllll day long...yeeeee haw!!!!!!!

so how are u enjoying the inspiration of the monthly kits and the you some idea's yet!!!! hope so....


write yourself a memo or letter....

dear tam

I'm so proud of you!!! You are working hard at your resolution for this year...a year of health!!! you are now down 30 pounds!!! you look great and feel good..keep up the great work!!!
Also I'm proud of you and your business, in one short year you have become very sucessful at what you do. Don't worry about the people who doubted you all along...just take a look at what you have done!!
remember you are a super woman....but not SUPERWOMAN!!!! Take time for yourself and your health, you are not getting any younger!!!
Next big challenge ...QUIT that smoking!!!!

Love Me

So remember that I said to keep these prompts so you can make pages out of them??? I'm gonna try once a month to post up a Layout from one prompt the month before...see above...the layout is made from the papers from last months kit...enjoy!!!

Cant wait to see u all this weekend at the crop!!


Feb 25, 2011

In Vancouver visiting my favorite Uncle Martin. Tomorrow I head to seattle with Prestin for the day. Just a weekend getaway. Sad to say I took some cute pictures at the market (Grandville Island) and I'm not sure how to get them from my camera to my computer without putting them on a disk first.

Love Meem's
I'm going to scrap this picture. Its cute and fun and its UNCLE MART!!!!.

Feb 24, 2011

Inspiration before we go!!!

Well the first layout is done (and backwards). The second layout is kind of a funny story. Its started but not completed. Papa is the tilte and in the bottom part it will say "no biting". My dad is always kissing the little grand kids and Aarin gets it the most!. Aarin always thinks my dad is biting him cause the whiskers hurt a bit. He yells at my dad constantly "PAPA, no biting"!!!. Now its a big joke and everyone laughs when he says it!. The third photo is Prestin and I who are headed to vancouver at 3AM. We are taking off just for the weekend just to have some quality time together. I will try to post inspiration from our weekend getaway. Sending a big hug and kiss to all the ladies at the store and to the readers of the blog!!!!

Love Meem's

Feb 23, 2011

prompt #8

WOW WOW WOW!!! I just love all the action on our blog lately!!!! this is so awesome!!!! You can now find many way to be inspired by our design team...which rocks by the way!!!!
Feb kit is now up in the store and for sale....march you wont want to miss out on...remember these paper kits are limited quantities....You can reserve you at the store today!!!

big shout out to Melissa...great to see that u have found your way to the blog!!!! awesome stuff!!!!!

Prompt# 8

If you could do anything in the next 24 hours, what would u do???

First of I would sleep a sweet warm cabin on a nice hot beach somewhere!!!! I mite even spend all day there...but in dream would spend some time in the sun, on the beach and in the water!!!! then i would do some power shopping in New York (cause i can magically transport myself anywhere). I need some new jeans and clothes that fit!!! after about 5 hours of shopping i would definatly want to would be a romantic restaurant, with candles, wine, and......Tim & Tim.....yup Mr. Holtz and Mr. Mc graw!!!!!(hey its only a dream..I'm allowed!!!).
Then a nice warm bubble bath , with no interruptions, and into be with 8 solid hours of sleep!!!!

Have a great day everyone....I think there are a few spots still left for the anniversary crop next weekend...if u cant come all weekend come join us Saturday for a part time spot!!!!!
The theme will be ..."FLOWER POWER"...that's how ever u interpret it;)

last but not least...drop by and see all the new product in the store!!!!


Feb 21, 2011

Scrapbook trends

Place's to look for inspiration. The new scrapbook treads is now at the store. These magazines are full of great ideas. I tend to grab a copy as soon as they come out. I took Aarin skating for the first time tonight. I was able to take some nice shots of his first attempt at the rink. I might just scrap them for the next kit!. Enjoy your sleep and blog more tomorrow.

Feb 20, 2011

MME Hattie "boy" line

The new MME paper is in. I wanted to post what I am working on right now. Its only a teaser for now. I will finish it and post later this week with the results. Love Meem's
P.S. it looks back wards because it was taken with my photo booth instead of my camera, lol!!.

Feb 17, 2011

A few more for you...

Here are the last 2 layouts and my card that I finished with the Feb kit :) Hope you are inspired...
2 months - everything is from the February kit, except the 3 buttons that I used from my stash.
Time flies - everything is from the February kit, except the letters for the title that I used from my stash.
Card - everything from the kit except the buttons that I added from my stash.

Thanks for looking!


Feb 16, 2011

Feb kit reveal

Hi everyone!

Here are a couple of layouts from my kit. I am going to spread them out over the next couple of days, so you dont feel overloaded (and so you have to come back to see me and read my ramblings lol).

Big Sister - everything from the kit except the chipboard letters from my stash.

give the kid a CAMERA... - everything is from the kit except the buttons and the 3 red brads from my stash.

Thanks for looking! This is just the start of the inpiration to come through the next couple of weeks with everyone uploading their ideas to share with you.


Feb 15, 2011

prompt #7

hey everyone!!!! hope all is well with you!!! we have had the dreaded headcold finally come thru our house and it has hit me like a brick!!!!

here is prompt #7

What are your valentines day traditions???

In our house we usually do dinner out, or I make hubby's favorite dinner which is Chicken Enchillada's from the cambell soup cook book. This year we ate out on Sunday nite and had Chinese food!!! We take the girls with us out too.
Hubby always comes home with a dozen roses for me and always 2 single roses for the girls. Usually i get red, but there was no red ones left and I got yellow this year...they are so pretty, especially with the 2 pink in the bouquet. take a look...

I hope that u all had a wonderful Valentines day!!! and got treated by your sweetie!!! I spent all nite in bed!!!!

Dont forget we have a few spots open for the anniversary crop too, if u cant make the whole weekend book a part time spot...we hope to see u all there!!!!


Feb 14, 2011

Costco Photo Sale Feb 14 - 27

Hi everyone!
Just wanted to let you know that Costco has a 4x6 photo sale Feb 14 - 27, 2011 :) 10 cents each. Glossy or Matte. Instore or online.

Get your photos organized and ordered!

Don't forget - tomorrow is launch day for our February Kit! We are all so excited to have the kits back. Hope you are too!

Happy Valentines Day to those who celebrate (I am not one of those lol).


Feb 13, 2011

Take a picture time!

So I mentioned last week that I had a bit of a car accident? Nothing serious, really, but the damage to my P.T. Crusier was expensive. Lesson learned? Carry more than PLPD for insurance. Good news is, I get a new car! And guess what I got??

Another P.T.! This one is a girl (the old one was a boy, named, uh, Petie) and I wanted to name it Repeat, but my daughter veto'd my suggestion, and has dubbed her Stevie. It's a purty red, with heated leather seats, and a sunroof! *swoon!* I've always wanted a sunroof. This one opens either all together, or will vent. Love that feature!! It's an older model, but has very low klicks.
Which brings me to today's post. Your picture challenge for today (or if you tend to procrastinate, later this week, lol) is to take a picture of your ride. Document this, does your vechile have a name? Do you love it? Hate it? Just grateful that it gets you from point A to point B? Do you buy new? Used? You don't have a car? Truck? Van? Sled dogs? Runners? Take a bus? Whatever you use to get you from here to there, take a pic and write some stuff about it!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! See you soon!

Feb 12, 2011


So ladies... are you ready to see the Beautiful new ribbon in stock?
Gorgeous, amazing... you won't believe the colors, styles, sheers & solids, your possiblities are endless!!!

Also new... as promised, for a long time now, but we have CARD KITS! Come pick up a great package of a variety of cards, quick easy projects to do with a friend, or even the kids.
6 Cards, packaged with all the supplies to make & pictures. Let us know what you think, or of something you would like to see!

Watch store in the next few weeks to have new My Minds Eye, Prima, Echo Park & Basic Grey!

Are you signed up for the Anniversary Crop yet?
Call the store today & sign up... you won't want to miss out on this! Great fun, refreshments, challenges & more!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Feb 10, 2011

It's not midnight yet!

I've been having a crazy week! Which is a good thing!! But I'm tired and swamped, and writing this at 10 to midnight, but that doesn't matter. I hope you've been able to carve out a little scrappy time for yourself? Me, not so much, but I'm hoping to soon. However, I'm sure you've heard by now that KITS ARE BACK!! And I have a sneak peek to show you!

It was so much fun to work with. I love Kari's flair for colours. She has such a knack for picking different manufacturers and making it all work. I loved working with this kit, and I think you'll love it too.

Here's a little tease!
Tempting little picture, huh? Have a good night, dream of scrappy things, you know I will!

Feb 9, 2011

happy wednesday!!!!!

hey everyone!!!! just droppin by to give you your journal prompt for this week!!

so what i am doing with the kit, is ...i will include one layout that will be on of my prompts for the month, so watch for that !!!


Describe your Spouse:

My hubby, really is my "geek in tinfoil"!!! most days;)!!! He is very loving, caring and strong!!! He is a manly man, big and burly, just like i like em!!!! He is the one i run to when i need a shoulder to cry on, or just need a hug!!! He has a great sense of humor, great personality, and i think we fit together very well!!! He is talented, a cutie and respects that i need gurl time too!!!
He is even sending me to see my boyfriend Tim thats a good man!!!!

enjoy your prompt this week
chat soon
~ tam~

Feb 7, 2011

I dislike winter...

So my youngest daughter has a snow day today. I think it's the 3rd or 4th one this year? I had a minor car accident on Saturday, and since I needed to take care of some business because of it, I thought I'd take the day off too. I'm ok, my passengers were ok (my oldest daughter and her boyfriend's sister), but my car.... um, not so much. I'm looking into repairs for it. The damage isn't bad bad, but until I have it looked at, I'm not sure if it'll make more sense to repair it, or replace it. Sadly, I now have a fine I have to pay too. My ego is more damaged than anything. Did you know that there is a $287 fine for missing a stop sign? No? Me either, but I do now.

So that's my interesting life news. I'd rather discuss scrappy stuff. Here's a layout I did recently of my sweet nephew, Jack.
This fall we went to a pumpkin festival, and while there, he showed me his dinosaur face. Gotta love 4 year olds! The patterned paper is from Studio Calico. I seriously *heart* that paper! I traced Maya Road chipboard letters onto cardstock for the title. A rub-on went on the bottom right circle. I punched some stars out of double sided sticky tape, and added some glitter. And then I traced a star on the blue patterened paper for a journal block. Ink on the edges of everything, and done!
Enjoy the rest of the day, and I'll be back later this week with more scrappy goodness to share with you!

Feb 1, 2011

journal prompt #5

hey everyone ...are u staying warm???? suppost to be plus 7 by the weekend ...yeahhhhhh !!!!

Spring u are so welcome to come anytime!!!!

So i'm gonna throw a twist at ya for this art journal....when u do a prompt , take a few pics pertaining to the year we can do the layouts in the same order one a week...and at the end of the year u will have 52 layouts....who is with me?

#5) What is your schedule today?

6:30 up but not awake get that pot of coffee on( its kari's fault scrapping till midnite;))
7:00 get the gurls up, dressed and breakfast, back packs packed...get self ready for work.
8:15 get the gurls out the door
8:30 realize that i dont have my first massage till 1:00, post on blog and going back to bed for a bit!!!
10:30 alarm set to get up and get ready for work, plan supper
12:00 leave for work, grab a coffee from Tim's
1:00 massage first client
2:15 head home
2:30 home, clean up kitchen
3:30 take the gurls to the west side for singing lessons, head back to work for next client.
4:00 grab coffee from Tim's on the way to work.
5:00 second client
6:00 make sure hubby has azlyn ready for basket ballgame tonite
6:15 third client
7:30 grab sheets, head home.
7:45 get home, put sheets in the washer, eat supper, make sure there is stuff out for lunches, home work.
8:00 read a bit to the gurls from Inkheart.
8:30 tuck the gurls into bed
9:00 re-tuck the gurls into bed!!!!
9:15 check emails, facebook etc!!!
10:15 into bed... prayers....good nite all!!!

get your butts to the store and reserve your spot for the anniversary crop!!!! there are few seats left!!! I'll see u all there that weekend, Kari and I are ready to party it up with you guys!!!!
