Jun 16, 2011

I also heart b&w photos

So would you like to see more of the photos I took in Waterton?
I love black and white photos, there's something about them that leave so much to the imagination. I like the timeless quality of them. And most (if not all) digital cameras that are made make it easy to take b&w. My Olympus takes that feature, and takes it one step further with a grainy film option. You don't get that on your Canon, my Dear Boyfriend. :) I love the way the Prince of Wales hotel looks kinda spooky. The clouds were amazing that day, probably because of all the wind...
So that's what I got for now, hope I inspired you! I have some really cool pictures of a bear to show you later too! Enjoy the rest of the day!

Jun 15, 2011

I *heart* Waterton

If you're my friend on facebook, then I'm sorry, you've seen these pictures before. If you're not my friend on facebook, why not? Lol. I thought I'd just stop over here quick and show you some of my favourite pictures I got last weekend when I was in Waterton with my boyfriend. It was just a day trip, but it's my favourite place in the world to go. I love the mountains, the walking trails, all the tourists, the candy store, the flora and fauna that are there to take photos of, and did I mention the candy store??I can and have spent all day just taking pictures, and I can't wait to go again next weekend. I plan on a mini-scrapbook of my favourite places, and lots of these photos will be in it. By the way, if you want to, you can click on the photos to make them bigger. :) Till next time, have a good day!

Jun 11, 2011

Happy June

So far, so good, no rain today, right? Right?
While the sun is shining (at least for the moment), get out there and take some photos of all the flowers. Get down right low, get in close, just get out there and see what you can capture.
I don't know if these are weeds or not, but they're always a sure sign of spring. I've also heard you can eat them... don't unless you know for sure, but I thought I read somewhere you can. Anyone know?

See the ant I managed to capture?

I got right down on my belly for this shot. Luckily the grass was (mostly) dry.Bleeding hearts are one of my favourites. The bright pink colours are so *happy*!
So get out there and take some flower photos. Winter will be here before you know it! LOL Have a good week, I'll be back again soon.

Jun 2, 2011

Design Team Announcement!

Sorry for the delay ladies, but we are sure you won't be disappointed!

We have decided to add 2 designers to our team. Each designer will take on part time positions, so you will have double the fun & inspiration will not be lacking.

Our first lady we would like to introduce is Flo. Flo is new to the area & has been scrapbooking for 5 years, she comes to us from Ontario & she is very excited to join our team. One of Flo's first creations is now in store, which is a definite must see! We have posted a few pictures on facebook & will be sure to post them on here as well for your viewing. Watch our blog over the next couple days for Flo's full introduction, and our next announcement.

Have a great day!